About Us

Welcome to Harini Ready Mix Concrete

Harini group is a pioneer in construction field having its activities in Tirupathi & Bangalore . We are well experienced in building apartments, residential complexes , commercial buildings and public buildings. Now with a vision of expansion we have started manufacturing ready mix concrete in the name of HARINI READYMIX CONCRETE in Tirupathi to cater the growing needs of this potential city.

HARINI READYMIX is managed by a team of competent professionals who are comitted to deliver the best. Our concrete is manufactured under computer controlled environments and delivered to site using sophisticated methods and machinery . HARINI READYMIX makes it a point that our clients gets the best."


  • Vision: To be one of the largest real estate and integrated infrastructure companies in South India and to deliver reliable, high quality services to real estate and infrastructure, always ensuring that innovation, safety and sustainability are at the heart of everything we do.
  • Mission: We at Harini Group strive to enhance the quality of our customers experience by providing each of them their dream home with clear title, timely delivery and reasonable costing. We believe in providing affordable luxury. Harini Group has always been a leader in the market and we strive to continue to be the leaders and a pioneer in the real estate scenario, setting benchmarks and being a point of inspiration to others.

Welcome to Harini RMC

This is a project of manufacturing Ready Mix Concrete to cater the concrete requirements of Tirupati needs.

Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC) is a ready-to-use concrete, with predetermined mixture of cement, aggregates, additives and water. It is manufactured in a centrally located factory (Batching plant) located at Tirupati, according to a set recipe or as per specifications of the client. It is then delivered to the client's worksite, often in special trucks (Transit mixer) capable of mixing the ingredients of the concrete en route. This results in a precise mixture, allowing specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites.

This is a type of concrete that is manufactured in a factory or batching plant, according to a set recipe, and then delivered to a worksite, by truck mounted transit mixers. This results in a precise mixture, allowing specially concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites. The first ready-mix factory was built in the 1930s, but the industry did not begin to expand significantly until the 1960s, and it has continued to grow since then.

Our Esteemed Clients:

Product Information


  • Grade M10: PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) e.g. Leveling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.
  • Grade M15: PCC e.g. Leveling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.
  • Grade M20: RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc. (for mild exposure)


  • Grade M25: RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
  • Grade M30: RCC e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
  • Grade M35: RCC e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
  • Grade M40: RCC e.g. Pre-stressed concrete, slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
  • Grade M45: RCC e.g. Runways, Concrete Roads (PQC), Prestressed Concrete Girders, RCC Columns, spans Prestressed beams.
  • Grade M50: RCC e.g. Runways, Concrete Roads (PQC), Prestressed Concrete Girders, RCC Columns, spans Prestressed beams.
  • Grade M55: RCC e.g..Prestressed Concrete Girders and Piers.

High Strength

  • Grade M60: RCC work Where high compressive strength is required such as high rise.
  • Grade M80: Buildings, long span bridges, ultra-thin white topping etc and constructions in aggressive environment e.g. Spillways of dams, coastal construction.

Sitemix Vs. Harini RMC

Savings Accrued Through Harini Readymixx Concrete.

Site Mix Concrete Harini Readymix Concrete
Wastages in Site Mixing: Cement spillage, shortages in quantity of aggregate and sand during delivery, storage and mixing at site, leftover aggregates after completion of concreting results in approx 5-7% wastage. All these wastages are avoided with HARINI Readymixx Concrete as it takes care of all ingredients and the ready-to-use product is delivered to the site.
Wastage of concrete during handling: Spillage during transporting from the mixer to the point of placing is unavoidable and results in approx 0.5-0.7% wastage HARINI Readymixx CONCRETE facilitates pumping of concrete to the point of placing and hence there is no wastage due to spillage etc. The leftover concrete in pump-hopper can be used for site casting.
Manpower Saving: For proportioning, mixing, transportation, placing, compaction and finishing a lot of manpower is required. The manpower increases with the increase in the number of floors. HARINI Readymixx CONCRETE requires minimal manpower (for compaction and finishing only). Manpower and infrastructure requirement will be the same irrespective of the number of floors.
Time Saving: A lot of time is required for concreting operations and the output is very low (2-3 m3/hr), thus prolonging construction time. HARINI Readymixx CONCRETE delivers large quantities of concrete through transit mixers at short intervals, increasing the output manifold (15-20 m3/hr), thus reducing construction time considerably.
Space Saving: Site mix concrete consumes lots of space to store cement, aggregates, sand, water, mixing equipment etc. HARINI Readymixx CONCRETE delivers the ready-to-use product and requires no extra storage space at the site.
Savings in House keeping Cost: Site mixing involves cost and time for continuous cleaning and housekeeping operations. HARINI Readymixx CONCRETE virtually eliminates all housekeeping and cleaning operations during concreting.
Saving in Testing Cost: High cost (20-22 `/m3) is involved in testing of ingredients as well as concrete in fresh and hardened state. HARINI Readymixx CONCRETE takes care of total testing of concrete supplied including raw materials in our own laboratory
Mixing quality : SIte mixing of aggregates include improper mixing techniques resulting in material loss and inferior quality. HARINI Readymixx CONCRETE takes care of the whole process by computer automated mechanisms.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your architect/engineers need to work out the grade-wise concrete requirements and communicate the same to our plant. They are the right people and are in a better position to decide the quantities required. Concrete is generally specified in terms of the 28-day compressive strength and workability (usually slump) at placement point. These two are basic minimum requirements for us to design concrete mixes for you. We will ensure that concretes in accurate quantity and appropriate quality are delivered to your satisfaction.

  • As we supply concrete by Transit Mixtures having capacity of 7 Cubic meter, minimum quantity of concrete to be ordered should not be less than 7 Cubic meter. If pumping of concrete is required, minimum ordered quantity should be 30 Cubic meter to avoide extra charges.

  • Transportation of readymix concrete to site is done in a transit mixer which is capable of mixing the concrete en route.

  • We are a professionally managed ready-mixed concrete company, operating a fully automated and computerized batching system with the help of highly motivated personnel trained to control all process parameters carefully. Production data is automatically recorded and stored electronically in plant-based computers and can be retrieved and verified whenever you wish to do so.

    Our plant has a weighbridge and all incoming materials are accurately weighed before being stored. Similarly, transit mixers carrying concrete are weighed from time to time to verify the accuracy of the material being supplied to various sites. You may visit our plant with prior appointment and verify the weights of the outgoing trucks on random basis.

    Further, we measure the plastic density of fresh concrete from time to time and match the same with the theoretical density. In case of any noticeable discrepancy in the two values, immediate action is taken to rectify errors, if any. Last, but not the least, our Company has an unblemished reputation of adhering to ethical practices. Hence, you may safely trust us for your quantities.

  • Maximum time allowed to unload concrete is half an hour after reaching at site. If the vehicle is detained for more than above specified time after reaching at site, retention Charges will be applied on your account for each hour of delay.

  • Our scope is restricted to supply readymix concrete as per your requirement , the responsibility remains with buyer for placing, finishing and curing of concrete. Buyer have to keep vibrator and other needed equipments ready before delivery.

    It is buyers responsibility to provide good serviceable roads up to your site and to arrange for avoiding contact with upper electric, phone, cable lines etc.

  • It is preferable to use system formwork. Also the shuttering should be proper enough to withstand pumping pressure. Any loss of material, damages to any equipments, injury or loss to human life would be at buyers responsibility.

  • It depends on pump capacity. We can manage to pump concrete upto vertically 75 meters height and horizontally 100 meters length.

  • Generally 3 to 4 hours. However initial setting time can be delayed as per requirement by adding retarder / plasticisers dosage.

  • Chemical admixtures with retarder and plasticiser are used in concrete to improve workability and strength.

  • We suggest you to prefer concreting at early morning or at evening to avoid shrinkage cracks to an extent. Because environmental conditions conductive to high evaporation rates such as low humidity, high temperature, direct sun light and drying winds on a concrete surface cause rapid surface drying resulting in cracking.

  • Concrete cube moulds having size 15x15x15 cms are casted with sample concrete, cured in water tank for 7 and 28 days and crushed in compressive testing machine at 7 and 28 days to measure compressive strength of concrete.

  • The concrete has to be tested to know the strength at 28 days for each desired grade. Usually the concrete made at site is not tested for its strength, workability, yield and other factors which ensure the performance of concrete over a period of time. However in Harini readymixx concrete, the samples of concrete are tested for every batch to ensure consistent quality and supply of durable concrete.


HARINI Ready Mix Concrete to cater the concrete requirements of Tirupati needs.

Head Office:

Ground Floor, Srinidi Enclaves,
K.T. Road, Tirupati - 517501.


+91877 - 2235019, 2243792

+91-9494403737, 9133068818

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